Fusion and Clean Energy
The big science news of the week (possibly the decade, if not the century) comes out of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California, where nuclear physicists at the National Ignition Facility (NIF) finally...
A Guide to the Earth for the Layperson
The big science news of the week (possibly the decade, if not the century) comes out of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California, where nuclear physicists at the National Ignition Facility (NIF) finally...
The weather reports and forecasts (11/18/22) are not at all promising. While the entire Eastern Seaboard looks to become very white over the next several days, Buffalo, New York is getting much of the...
I had a great question a little bit ago on the Ask GeoMan section of my GeoMania educational website from Elizabeth in Lake Oswego, Oregon. She’d been walking on Nye Beach on the central...
We’ve already spent a bit of time looking at streams (click here for a listing of posts related to moving water). And while many of us may assume that glaciers work just the same...
I mentioned in an earlier post that sitting at the beach gives us a chance to listen to the voice of the sun. While this may sound like a 60s flashback — and fifty-plus...
I think that one thing most of us will agree upon is that sitting on the shore and listening to the sound of the sun can help soothe even the rockiest of passions. Any...
I love being a geologist. Along with being able to spend my life outside and in nature (and drink a lot of beer in my salad days — it’s one of the requirements for...
This will be a short one, but hopefully set the stage for several more that will come as soon as I can put them together (how cool would it be to have nothing else...
As discussed in a couple earlier posts (Intro to Quakes and the Richter Scale), earthquakes are gonna continue to rattle our teeth and level our cities, and there’s not a hell of a lot...
Humans have been trying to describe the strength of earthquakes for almost forever — I imagine the initial attempt began soon after the first caveman got knocked on his or her butt. It wasn’t...