Tagged: Climate

A Brave Man…

It’s all too rare to see true bravery in the face of catastrophe. A couple examples spring to mind: Jesus standing in the dock in front of Pontius Pilate, Davy Crockett at the Alamo,...

Weather vs. Climate: A Brief Tutorial

I’ll keep this one short and straightforward so even the most die-hard anti-science adherent can understand. I promise to use simple words and concepts… As expected, there has been a flurry  — bordering on...

It’s The Climate

Susie and I have lived in and near Grants Pass in southwestern Oregon since the 1970s. One of the first things that caught our eye when we blew into town was the huge sign...

Lake effect snow

The weather reports and forecasts (11/18/22) are not at all promising. While the entire Eastern Seaboard looks to become very white over the next several days, Buffalo, New York is getting much of the...