Author: GeoMan

An Ode to Duct Tape

A couple days ago (12/15/23) I listened to an interview with Gen. Wesley Clark (retired) discussing the tragic loss of three Israeli hostages to “friendly” fire. After the inevitable words about how difficult it...

Fear is like a drug…

I apologize in advance for this one, but to paraphrase Lesley Gore: “It’s my blog and I’ll rant if I want to.” While I realize that this is supposed to be a blog focusing...

Wildfire Suppression

Speaking only for myself, for the most part I blame Smokey Bear. Susie and I needed to go to the coast last Sunday, and had a chance to travel down Highway 199 along the...

This really ticks me off…

Sure, ticks like springtime when they can hide in moist grasslands and woods, but it seems like every season is tick season here in southwest Oregon. Having lived and worked in the woods for...