It breaks my heart… again
Staff reductions at the nation’s National Parks threatens their use in the upcoming tourist season
A Guide to the Earth for the Layperson
Staff reductions at the nation’s National Parks threatens their use in the upcoming tourist season
Sorry. This one may stray a bit from the earth sciences, but I have to ask: How ridiculous can we be? It reminds me of the early days of the railroad, when the gauge...
A couple days ago (12/15/23) I listened to an interview with Gen. Wesley Clark (retired) discussing the tragic loss of three Israeli hostages to “friendly” fire. After the inevitable words about how difficult it...
I apologize in advance for this one, but to paraphrase Lesley Gore: “It’s my blog and I’ll rant if I want to.” While I realize that this is supposed to be a blog focusing...
Sure, ticks like springtime when they can hide in moist grasslands and woods, but it seems like every season is tick season here in southwest Oregon. Having lived and worked in the woods for...
Here’s another post that isn’t directly related to the earth sciences, but since everything is in some way related to the earth I vote that it’s justified anyway. There’s been quite a stir in...
…is not in service at this time. This one isn’t about the earth — at least not directly — but I feel it’s important anyway (and there’s nothing that says I can’t veer off...
I saw an article this morning about a lithium prospect in the Alvord desert of southeastern Oregon. The company that was exploring for the metal — used in batteries for electric vehicles, consumer electronics,...
We all have those times of the year that we really enjoy. For myself I love the late fall when the rain machine here in southwestern Oregon (usually) turns on (if we’re lucky) and...
It’s funny: water is nearly incapable of going in a straight line when it’s moving across the land. Think about it. Any little thing — or nothing — will divert the flow. I once...